Flash the Rabbit

"Life's just a card game: some of us might be dealt a better hand, but it's all about how you play it..."


Name: Flash The Rabbit
Eye Color: Green
Fur Color: Yellow
DOB: October 28th
Age: 18
Height: 3'7
Weight: 80 lbs

Backstory coming soon!


Flash is a taller, lean and lanky bunny with the only true size being from his chest and head. His ears, rather than bounce forward or swing backward, flop at either side of his head with the inner canals facing his body. Flash has a bit of a sharper brow that surround emerald green eyes and connect to a white muzzle, which has a small triangular button nose at its center. Sprouting from behind him and through his clothes is a fluffy triangular tail which hints to his having hare lineage (rather than being just a 100% ordinary rabbit).

From the top of his torso nearly to waistline, a white circle of fur dominates the golden locks of his chest. This patch of ivory hair is coarse, jagged at the edges and ironically fitting to the bit of edginess which lines his usually cool and calm demeanor (see Personality.) The rest of the fur on his body, however, is the same golden hue.

Usually hanging around his neck is a pair of noise-cancelling over-the-ear headphones. Flash also wears fingerless gloves and a pair of blue shorts to match. For shoes, he sticks to a pair of black friction-proof shell-toe sneakers with a white quadruple circle design reminiscent of speakers.


Flash’s greatest ability (like Sonic) is his incredible speed, nearly identical to the top speeds of the Blue Blur, himself! (See Back Story.) Producing his cool and calm demeanor, Flash is always stern in remaining level-headed in any situation possible so he can best follow his instincts. Due to what he calls his “Lucky Hip Hoppin’ Rabbit Feet,” he has a habit of finding himself in the best of situations and making even better decisions based purely off instinctual reaction. While quick witted, he believed the fasted and smartest reaction will always be your first gut instinct.

Flash’s true power, however, lies in his lower body. For his speed isn’t of nearly superhuman quickness like Sonic, but in the strength of his legs. A simple kick from Flash as been shown to smash boulders to bits, shatter concrete and even tear through metal! Even he doesn’t know the true extent of his strength. But it’s in this strength that he garners both his speed and his most instinctual weapons. In combat, he tends to rely on zipping around and throwing both speedy and brutal kicks to tear down an opponents guard, aggressively breaking them down until an opponent leaves him enough of an opponent for him to finish the job with one hefty swing of the leg.


Flash is generally a practical, intelligent and wise ally, even if a bit of a wise-cracker. He has a rather militaristic discipline at most times, despite being not only quiet and laid-back, but rather unfavorable of those who follow orders from a higher authority. Flash is additionally smug, cocky and free-spirited in most scenarios, but especially when involving others. He has an addiction to peril, seeing that he gets himself into threatening situations to flex and polish his speed and power and (due to his trust in his instinctive decision making) he can confront these troubles with a grin.

Flash, above all else, values his freedom, seeing the freedom of choice to be the most important thing for any one being. This is due to his generally hanging out in the Casino Night Zone and being a bit of a gambler, himself. Enough so that he can’t turn down a good bet, especially when the stakes are higher. For him, the bet is more important than the prizes— he loves the thrill of a gamble being tossed into the air. For him, it’s true freedom.

A bit contradicting to his sometimes reckless and free-as-bird demeanor, he has been known to defend the freedom of others with a sense of justice and a refusal to let evil have its way. As such, Flash gives the impression of a rather ruthless demeanor when facing villains who cross him or his ideals; when encountering Dr. Eggman for the first time after meeting Sonic (see General for Backstory!) the usually calm and collected or smug and wise-cracking rabbit made clear threats at the doctor's life, should Sonic not be able to take him down.

On the day-to-day, however, Flash tends to keep cool and take any opportunity he can to show off his speed and strength. One can usually find him gambling in the casino or training to further his speeds and strength. But one thing is for sure, however one manages to stumble across Flash the Rabbit:

He’s always jamming to some good Hip Hop on those headphones of his! It’s his favorite genre of music and he’s almost ALWAYS within arms reach of some sort of obscure rap lyric that’ll fit his scenario or thoughts!